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What is a VAD or Porta Cath?

Posted by charles @charles, Jan 9, 2020

I see lots of questions about VADs and Porta Caths- share your experience here:

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Hey Dr C,
Share my experience in the article or with you?
I do not have the PORTA - I have a single deal thing put in at NTUH Taipei Taiwan thus I had blood draw sticks EVERY FRIDAY except one a month for MONTHS on end.
Even today I cannot have CT scan fluid in this port.
I have asked for a replacement port if Scans ever become more frequent.
I cannot stand sticks now.
I had moles removed on Monday - there were five. When the doc said "oh we have to give you a shot" I said we will be doing only one at a time.
Some may say big baby. I say who cares. No to sticks.
Getting the one bothersome mole off was GREAT.
And I learned to sunscreen up every morning on my face. From the derma doc.
And lather lotion more between swimming/showering. (Did you guys know we should wash our hair only once a week?)
Ports are great though. I had 4 chemo treatments in my wrists time 3 girls from the Presbyterian church who could speak Chinese and English came and sang Jesus songs while this poor nurse struggled to get the HUGE apparatus in my wrists. I lay there crying. One took a photo. Lying in street clothing...there I was in all of my crying glory on FB. I did remove this glamorous photo. This same church sent their minister that night to inform me "you are dying and we are not responsible for you." I wrote her and told her NEVER TO SPEAK TO A CANCER PATIENT AGAIN UNTIL SHE GOT TRAINING. You stupid cow...we are all dying and you never ever tell a cancer patient they are dying. Creep.
That was in 2016 and it is 2019 and I went bowling yesterday with an age 102. So there.
ha ha.

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You have the attitude that will help heal your body. In the Bible, FEAR NOT is mentioned 365 times. Once fir each day. And it is a leap lear when there is 366 dsy in that year, we can fall back on faith of the mustard seed. God is good, everyday!


We had one of those scriptures today! I didn't know it was mentioned 365 times. I am blessed to work for a church (an organist now for 58 years!) At the time of my surgery, I had 4 churches praying for me. I have never blamed God for this (I did blame the doctor who's been doing my imaging for the past 8 years - lol) but always thank God for any good news. A bit one-sided, I know.


February 2009 is when I got my port it has been the best thing about receiving any treatment at the hospital,clinic, or intervention radiology. I has CRC stage 4 with an inoperable tumor where the spinal cord and main artery meet. it is more dangerous to operate then leave it and watch it. I also have colostomy and bi lateral nephrostomy tubes that are changed every 6 weeks at which time I receive an antibiotic IV so they access my port at that time I could have had it removed a long time ago but I choose to leave it I have had numerous obstructions and other stays in the hospital that they have also used it for and the CT scans and MRI's it is staying as long as it can. thanks


Girl you are a hero.
Thank you for sharing your journey.
Big hug.
TEAL sis


Reading through some of the posts and I am confused. I do have a power port through which I got all my chemo and the oncology nurses would access it for blood draws. I do go in every 6 weeks for a port flush if it has not been used within that time. My confusion is about the CT scan dye. I get scanned every 3 months and they simply use a vein for the dye.


Reading through some of the posts and I am confused. I do have a power port through which I got all my chemo and the oncology nurses would access it for blood draws. I do go in every 6 weeks for a port flush if it has not been used within that time. My confusion is about the CT scan dye. I get scanned every 3 months and they simply use a vein for the dye.

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Hey Nancy,
Do the CT SCANS hurt you?
Mine hurt terribly.
You should be able to have the dye through your power port. Everyone else I have talked to with a power port does so. My port is only for chemo/blood draws. I would LOVE to have a power port for the scan dye.


At my center they use my Port for the Contrast for CT Scans, but I had to learn to ask and make sure they knew I had a Power Port, otherwise they will use a vein. Only specially trained medical professionals can access ports, some centers may not have someone in "Radiology" who has the training. I know at my center, the CT Tech can NOT access me, but she calls Oncology and they send someone down! If I have a port I want to use it as much as possible. I did not realized this, the first few times I had follow up scans and they did us my vein, but then I was advised to be sure to ask ! Hope that helps!!



Same thing for me. My hospital's radiology department doesn't have the specialized nurse who can deal with ports. And I have to make sure they know I've a port so they can request a specialized nurse to access the port and then de-access the port. I prefer that they use the port but it can extend my wait quite a bit if the nurse is not immediately available. Sometimes, I'm just tired of waiting and let them send the contrast through a regular IV which is sometimes more painful if the injection speed is too fast.


Reading through some of the posts and I am confused. I do have a power port through which I got all my chemo and the oncology nurses would access it for blood draws. I do go in every 6 weeks for a port flush if it has not been used within that time. My confusion is about the CT scan dye. I get scanned every 3 months and they simply use a vein for the dye.

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I too have a power port and have had CT scans where they use it for the dye and some where they don’t. You do need to let them know you have it and they may need the card to verify that. The regular CT techs are not qualified to use it and need to have an RN so that for them so some facilities ( for instance if it is just an imaging facility and not one with doctors and nurses associated with it ) may not have any on staff to allow them to use the port. I prefer they use it if we can and try to get my scans at my oncology office instead of another imaging office because of that! Hope this helps.


Hey Nancy,
Do the CT SCANS hurt you?
Mine hurt terribly.
You should be able to have the dye through your power port. Everyone else I have talked to with a power port does so. My port is only for chemo/blood draws. I would LOVE to have a power port for the scan dye.

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No, the scans do not hurt. I have great veins they access for the dye and the scans are done at a different hospital than where I get my chemo.

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