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What is a VAD or Porta Cath?

Posted by charles @charles, Jan 9, 2020

I see lots of questions about VADs and Porta Caths- share your experience here:

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How does the port placement work. Is is painful - I am a bit nervous.

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Please don't be nervous about the port - it is very easy and not painful. You will learn to appreciate the value this delivers and simplifies treatments. Take care! Maclaurie


How does the port placement work. Is is painful - I am a bit nervous.

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I had line fed through in my main artery near my throat came out near chest i was shaking having it done which normaly does not bother me did have some chest pain but it does settle down after a few days best thing as it save your arms with injection most of the time


Hey Dr C,
Share my experience in the article or with you?
I do not have the PORTA - I have a single deal thing put in at NTUH Taipei Taiwan thus I had blood draw sticks EVERY FRIDAY except one a month for MONTHS on end.
Even today I cannot have CT scan fluid in this port.
I have asked for a replacement port if Scans ever become more frequent.
I cannot stand sticks now.
I had moles removed on Monday - there were five. When the doc said "oh we have to give you a shot" I said we will be doing only one at a time.
Some may say big baby. I say who cares. No to sticks.
Getting the one bothersome mole off was GREAT.
And I learned to sunscreen up every morning on my face. From the derma doc.
And lather lotion more between swimming/showering. (Did you guys know we should wash our hair only once a week?)
Ports are great though. I had 4 chemo treatments in my wrists time 3 girls from the Presbyterian church who could speak Chinese and English came and sang Jesus songs while this poor nurse struggled to get the HUGE apparatus in my wrists. I lay there crying. One took a photo. Lying in street clothing...there I was in all of my crying glory on FB. I did remove this glamorous photo. This same church sent their minister that night to inform me "you are dying and we are not responsible for you." I wrote her and told her NEVER TO SPEAK TO A CANCER PATIENT AGAIN UNTIL SHE GOT TRAINING. You stupid cow...we are all dying and you never ever tell a cancer patient they are dying. Creep.
That was in 2016 and it is 2019 and I went bowling yesterday with an age 102. So there.
ha ha.


Thanks for posting this. It was useful. I went through 18 weeks of döse dense chemo without without a port and it worked okay for me. I don’t like needles but they don’t freak me out and I have “good veins” (I look like a road map with blue highways). I think for recurrence if it’s once a month I’ll do the same. I know it’s not a popular choice, but the port kinda freaks me out!


Thanks for posting this. It was useful. I went through 18 weeks of döse dense chemo without without a port and it worked okay for me. I don’t like needles but they don’t freak me out and I have “good veins” (I look like a road map with blue highways). I think for recurrence if it’s once a month I’ll do the same. I know it’s not a popular choice, but the port kinda freaks me out!

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Yo Suze56,
I CANNOT BELIEVE you had 18 weeks of dose dense chemo straight into your veins. Unbelievable.
What freaks you out about the port? It is so much easier for the caretakers too...God Bless You woman.
If you do not want to share - totally ok.


I have had my Port for going on 4 1/2 years ow and absolutely and very happy I had one put in. They have always had a hard time trying to start an IV on me, so my Oncologist felt a Port was going to be much-needed and I totally agreed.

I'm currently off treatment and doing well, so I could have it removed, but I do not want to, for fear that will be a jinx and IF I had it out, then I'd end up with progression and then need to have another port installed. NO thanks, I'l happily keep this one and it's still working great. They use it for all my lab draws, for the contrast for scans and most recently had MOHS surgery and Reconstruction and they used it during the time I was in the OR (Anesthesia and IV Fluids etc.). They have now trained the IV Therapy nurses to access ports too which I think is wonderful. . Prior to that the only ones who would touch it, were the Oncology Nurses.

I'm very happy they are using it more and use it any time I can. If it's not accessed, I do go in for Port Flushes every six weeks. To me a port is a blessing and I can not imagine going through treatment without one.



Yo Suze56,
I CANNOT BELIEVE you had 18 weeks of dose dense chemo straight into your veins. Unbelievable.
What freaks you out about the port? It is so much easier for the caretakers too...God Bless You woman.
If you do not want to share - totally ok.

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Lol well, everyone’s different... I’m not sure why I feel that way. I didn’t refuse the port, btw; the doc recommended going without it. Mb because I have these road-map veins? But they were always careful to flush the vein and to use a saline drip and I didn’t have any repercussions...


Lol well, everyone’s different... I’m not sure why I feel that way. I didn’t refuse the port, btw; the doc recommended going without it. Mb because I have these road-map veins? But they were always careful to flush the vein and to use a saline drip and I didn’t have any repercussions...

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Wow Suze ...if your Doc recommended this and u r fine with it...u did the RIGHT thing forever and a day!
I am so boring I love to post about menus....chicken parm ..from Tesaro Pharma ...thanks Tesaro and Ovations or the Cure, red potato, beets with roots...2 Hershey Kiss carmels.
To attend the 20 20 20 backside kicking class or not...walked for an hour on the Charles ...fed the Canadian geese ...
How's your day?


Lol well, everyone’s different... I’m not sure why I feel that way. I didn’t refuse the port, btw; the doc recommended going without it. Mb because I have these road-map veins? But they were always careful to flush the vein and to use a saline drip and I didn’t have any repercussions...

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You are very fortunate to have such good and easy to access veins. I am not that lucky, so a port for me was a must have and I'm thrilled. I hope it continues to work forever and that I never had to have it removed or replaced. My Oncolgist says it's working fine and as the old saying goes -- "if not not broke, don't fix it".

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