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New diagnosis of Vocal Cord Cancer

Posted by Bob @yensid, Aug 4, 2016

I have just been diagnosed with cancer of the vocal cord (it hurts to admit that!). My PCP says the report indicates that it is in situ and I should respond well to treatment. I've had a consult with radiation oncology. It seems there's 5 1/2 weeks of radiation ahead. With all of the info they gave me, I'm terrified. I feel as if my whole body is involved in this. I suppose I'm a hypochondriac, but I imagine that I have every cancer and other diseases know to man. Anybody have some encouragement or advice for me? Thanks.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Head and Neck Cancers group.

I'm a year post-chemo for ovarian cancer. Your whole self does become involved with the cancer. Your system changes with cancer treatment, but you can recover, it just takes time. One day at a time....You can do it.


I am post throat cancer 1 year. Caught at stage 1, I still had 6 weeks of radiation. Yes it was one of the scariest things I went thru. You will feel down trotten some days but as others have said, keep your strength by resting when needed, drink your boost and ensure, avoid sugars and above all make sure you use your swallowing muscles EVERY DAY, even when you do not feel like it. Those muscles become weak when receiving treatment. Please be patient with yourself. It forced me to look at what I ingest and my lifestyle. I am one year out and feel good. Best wishes.


Thank you for sharing your experience with me. It means a lot. I have now had 22 treatments with 6 more to go. I am doing well, I think. Throat is sore and it's hard to swallow but not nearly as bad as I envisioned.
Again, it really helps to hear from others who have been through the same thing. In reading posts on this website, I feel so guilty complaining about what I am going through when I see what others are dealing with. I wish there was some way to make everyone's journey through this adventure easier.


Pleased to hear that it seems to be going well, which treatments are you having? ... Roy


Pleased to hear that it seems to be going well, which treatments are you having? ... Roy

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I'm having photon/X-ray radiation. It''s been an interesting process. I''VR gotten used to wearing the mask and being bolted down to a table. It''s amazing how we do what we have to do. Thanks for your concern.


dont worry you will be fine, I had 7 weeks of straight radiation and I was told august 4, my tumor has gone. I had a nasal pharyngeal tumor in the back of my nose stage 4!
Head and neck radiation are the most difficult, but im a woman and i took it, it get hard really after 5 weeks, you will be tired but hang on you will be fine they will get rid of it.
Get a lot of Boost plus protein shake so you can eat , baking soda to rinse your mouth evry day, and lots of rest
you will go through...
god bless


I was diagnosed with stage 1 squamous cell carcinoma- lesion on the vocal chord October of 2015. 30 days of radiation completed in early 2016. The bigger issue was at the start running around and getting all the pre-treatment tests. I was a drinker and light smoker on occasion, needless to say gave ALL that up. Hang in there, in my thoughts.


Do not despair. The most uncomfortable part of my treatment. radiation was the wearing of the "mask" which prevents ones head to move during the treatment. But the radiation treatments are relatively short and one gets used to them quickly. After my series of radiation, I have been diagnosed as completely "cured" and have checkups twice a year


Pleased to hear that it seems to be going well, which treatments are you having? ... Roy

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Thinking of you with hopes and prayerfully grateful that you are on the road to healing. Its an experience you cannot quite explain, even if you have gone thru it. Our individual experiences are so unique bc your recovery depends on so many different factors. Just want you to know there are others who have faced what you are facing. There is life after cancer. Wishing you peace, making the most of and appreciating life's important moments. Cancer has a way of changing your mindset about things. You are going to recover from this. Stay vigilant about your habits and health so hopefully you will never have to go thru this again. God bless.


I am post throat cancer 1 year. Caught at stage 1, I still had 6 weeks of radiation. Yes it was one of the scariest things I went thru. You will feel down trotten some days but as others have said, keep your strength by resting when needed, drink your boost and ensure, avoid sugars and above all make sure you use your swallowing muscles EVERY DAY, even when you do not feel like it. Those muscles become weak when receiving treatment. Please be patient with yourself. It forced me to look at what I ingest and my lifestyle. I am one year out and feel good. Best wishes.

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Same here, doing good, all the best!

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